

Non-repudiation provides the mechanism to ensure that the sender of a message cannot deny sending it and the recipient cannot deny receiving it, thus establishing trust and accountability in the communication.


Non-repudiation refers to the assurance that the originator of a message cannot deny sending the message and that the recipient cannot deny receiving the message. It is an important concept in digital communication systems, particularly when it comes to the use of digital signatures.

When a message is digitally signed, the signature acts as a unique identifier that can be used to verify both the authenticity of the message and the identity of the signer. This provides a level of trust and accountability, preventing either party from repudiating their involvement in the communication.

However, non-repudiation is vulnerable to quantum attacks. Quantum computers have the potential to break certain cryptographic algorithms that are commonly used in digital signatures, rendering them insecure. This means that genuine signers could potentially use the excuse of quantum computers to deny their involvement in previously signed agreements.

As quantum computers become more powerful and widely available, it is important to develop and adopt quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms to ensure the continued effectiveness of non-repudiation in digital communication.

Read more here.

January 9, 2024
March 16, 2024
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